MedE/EE 204
Principles and Designs of Medical Neuromodulation Devices
Principles and Designs of Medical Neuromodulation Devices
9 units (3-0-6)
second term
Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
This is a course for senior undergraduates and graduate students. This course provides a review for advanced medical neuromodulation devices based on multidisciplinary engineering principles. Emphasis will be on implantable neuromodulation devices for both neural recording and stimulation such as EKG, EEG, EMG, pacemakers, DBS, etc. Sub-topics include biomaterials, biocompatibility, medical electronics, and FDA regulation on medical devices. The course will focus on engineering fundamentals specific for neural applications. Lectures and assignments will emphasize the design aspects of various devices as well as up-to-date literature study. Not offered 2023-24.